
NeuroShield MR Volumetry

Reduce radiologist burnout and improve patient outcomes using AI

Empowering Possibilities: What We Can Do for You


Why Neuroshield

Performance Data:

Average Dice coeffieient: 0.91
Hausdorff distance: 3.8 mm.

How We Do It?


InMed distinguishes itself by prioritizing extensive research, paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in healthcare innovation.

Early detection of dementia in practice using volumetry based on structural MRI

Neuroshield was able to detect atrophic changes as low as 0.55% and at the earliest age of 41 years. This study highlights that atrophic changes related to dementia are age independent and volumetry can help detect it at its earliest.

Role of Volumetric Analysis in Correlation of Gender and Atrophy in Demetia in Clinical Practice

This study highlighted that females had accelerated atrophic changes (upto 30%) and as early as 42 years whereas  males showed atrophic changes (upto 17%) as late as 50 years of age. The study indicates that females are more suscpetible to early atrophic changes with higher frequency in age group of 40-50 compared to males.

Brain size matters: Comparative study between Indian and Caucasian brain and intracranial volumes

The age and gender matched comparison of Indian (group 1) and Caucasian (group 2) brain and intracranial volumes (ICV) showed significant differences. The average volumes for Indian were 1122.48 ml (whole brain) and 1339.75 m. (ICV) as compared to 1222.58 mil (whole brain) and 1482.87 ml (ICV) in Caucasians. One-way Anova for the brain and ICV were found significant at p<0.5.

White Paper

Reforming Volumetric Brain Analysis –
A White Paper on Neuroshield:
MR Brain Volumetry’s Workflow 

This white paper explores the workflow of NeuroShield step-by-step while highlighting its potential to improve the diagnosis and research of neurodegenerative conditions.
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